Policy Forum for Wales

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Energy policy in Wales and enabling the transition to a low carbon economy - priorities for cutting emissions, infrastructure and investment, and supporting the economy

December 2019

Price: £150 PLUS VAT

This seminar will examine the next steps, practicalities, and likely impact for cutting emissions in Wales, looking at:

  • The transition to a low carbon economy and meeting Wales’ first carbon budget;
  • Infrastructure priorities to support both environmental aims and growth in the Welsh economy; and
  • What steps can be taken to effectively meet air quality and re-foresting targets.

The agenda and keynote speakers

Keynote contributions on:

  • Energy policy in Wales - with Jennifer Pride, Head of Energy Policy, Welsh Government;
  • Priorities for enabling Climate Change preparedness - with Ceri Davies, Executive Director, Evidence, Policy and Permitting Directorate, Natural Resources Wales;
  • Making changes in everyday life in order to tackle climate change - with Prof. Lorraine Whitmarsh, Director, Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations, Cardiff University;
  • Collaboration and environmental governance post-Brexit - with William Wilson, Member, Welsh Organising Committee, United Kingdom Environmental Law Association; and
  • Supporting the Welsh economy alongside decarbonisation and clean energy production - with John Lloyd Jones, Chair, National Infrastructure Commission for Wales.

Further sessions focus on:

  • The roles of the public sector, business, and communities in moving towards a low-carbon economy - transport, energy efficiency and local decarbonisation projects; and
  • Growth, sustainability and driving forward energy projects - planning, securing investment and utilising growth deals.

Further speakers and case studies

Also speaking are: Holly Cross, Cwm Arian Renewable Energy; Oliver Lancaster, Wales & West Utilities and Cardiff Capital Region Business Council; Osian Roberts, Minesto; Will Ryan, Savills; and a senior speaker confirmed from Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management.

Speakers sharing learning from case studies include:

  • Transport - Fergus Worthy, Senior Transport Consultant, Cenex - on low emission vehicles, in the context of the aim for a zero emission bus, taxi and private hire vehicle fleet by 2028;
  • Involving young people - Sion Sleep, Environmental Leadership Programme, UpRising Cymru - on opportunities for young people to have more of a voice and involvement in tackling climate change and meeting sustainability goals in Wales; and
  • Everyday life changes - Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh, Director, Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations, Cardiff University - on the work of the recently-established centre on areas such as consumption of goods and physical products, food and diet, travel, and heating and cooling in buildings.

The chairs

  • Mark Isherwood AM, Chair, Cross-party Group on Fuel Poverty and Energy Efficiency; and
  • Will Hayward, Social Affairs Correspondent, WalesOnline have kindly agreed to chair this seminar.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materialfs, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda